Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Judul Jurnal Referensi Outline Skripsi MK Seminar SDM

  1. ichsan : "The contributions of specific resources from the firm in its competitive performance: a Resource-Based View approach in the software sector"
  2. Deni 06 : " The Mediating Role of PSychological Contract Violatin (PCV) between Psychological Contract Breach (PCB) & work relatred attitudes and behaviors "
  3. Cita Ayu : " Partisipasi dalam pengambilan keputusan "
  4. Maya Irvanita ; "A Cross cultural comparison of ethical orientations & Willingness to sacrifice ethical standards: china vs peru"
  5. Arlina : "Relationship between Emotional Intelegence & transformational leadership of Supervisors"
  6. Fadian : " Human Resorces Practices and commitment to change : an employee-level analysis"
  7. Dian Tri : " Self-leadership and performance outcomes: The Mediating influence of self-efficacy"
  8. Retna : "Pengaruh Orientasi Layanan Organisasi terhadap OCB dan kepuasan kerja Customer contact sebagai variabel mediasi"
  9. Galih Saputra ; " The impact of the mother during family business succession"
  10. Ega Krisma : " Pengaruhb penilaian Kinerja Pada kepuasan kerja dan tingkat Turnover (Studi Kasus pada perusahaan X di Solo )"
  11. Farid Wajdi : " Self Leadership skills and innovative behavior at work"(studi pada karyawan Rumah Sakit X di Surakarta)
  12. Aditya Yoga : "Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational commitmen. The moderating effect of locus of controland Work autonomy"
  13. Ayom Wratsangka : " Effects of satisfaction with comunication on the relationship between individual Job congruence and job performance satisfaction"
  14. Haikal : "Effects of training framing, general self efficacy and training-the congruence between the importance of job satisfaction and the perceived level of achievement"
  15. Surya : "Employee commitment in changing organization : an exploration"
  16. Hanifa : "Self saccrifice and transformational leadership : Mediating Role of Altruism"

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